Beiträge von Sunny

    hm ich würde dir ja helfen aber ich habe das leider auch nur über Origin installiert , aber Dateipfad solltest du bei Origin trotzdem haben ***huh*** ***Hhm***

    Hallo ihr lieben,

    Ich wollte nur Bescheid geben das ich von heute bis Mittwoch 20.10.Abends nicht wirklich da bin, werde zwar kurz über Handy tagsüber bzw. am Abend kurz da sein über PC aber ich werde nicht viel bis garnichts im Forum machen. Denn ich muss jetzt in der Arbeit extrem Überstunden schieben. Eine Kollegin ist im 3ten Monat schwanger und darf nicht mehr arbeiten wegen Corona und auch generell wegen der ansteckungsgefahr im Altenheim.

    Jedenfalls sind meine Dienstzeit jetzt wiefolgt.

    Sa. 16.10 7:15-18:00

    So. 17.10 7:15 - 18:00

    Mo. 18.10 7:15 - 18:00

    Di 19.10 7:15 - 18:00

    Mi 20.10. 12 - 18 :00

    Do frei

    Fr. frei

    Sa. 23.10 7:15 - 18:00

    So. 24.10. 7:15- 18:00

    Das heisst ich habe 46 Stunden am Stück Dienst. Wobei da dann nochmal Sa+So dazukommt. ***crazy*** ***eeek****.

    Es kann sicher jeder nachvollziehen das ich nach den Zeiten keine Lust habe irgendwas im Forum zu machen.

    K-Pop Star Mod

    Requires: Get together, City living, Get famous
    Update Date & Update Notes:

    Thumbnail from. here:


    This mod lets your sims become k-pop stars. You will start as a nobody and work your way up to becoming a k-pop legend.

    How to get started:

    You can either get the aspiration in CAS or join the career. I recommend using the aspiration on "new sims" from the CAS menu.

    Note: If the career followers don't increase you can just promote your sims once you completed the other tasks.
    Teens will definitely have to do the aspiration.

    Stage One: Auditions

    In this stage, you will be building skills and trying to audition to get into a company. It's a good idea to go past the minimum requirements if you want a higher chance to pass. After you pass the audition stage you will officially be apart of a company. You will get a contract for a minimum of $20k and get paid weekly by your company $200. You are expected to work for the rest of your money.

    Stage Two: Company Trainee

    In this stage, you will be building your skills, reputation, and fanbase. After you pass this stage you will be able to get sponsors, perform, film, and do meet and greets.

    Introducing Group Members!!

    You can now have group members after getting a contract. The option will show inside of your manage menu. They will each have their own personality, required skills, fame, and random talents/skills of their own. You will have to change their name and give them makeovers in CAS. You should only have to do this one time. If you add them to your family or if one dies they will be replaced. If you want them to live with you without messing anything up just use the roommate key option. You can use my mod to allow anyone to be your roommate.


    Group Member Defaults
    Ages: Teen & Young adult
    Required Skills: Dancing, Acting, Singing
    Fame Level: 3
    Number of Members: 3
    Traits: Kpop Trait & Randomized Traits

    If you don't like something about them feel free to change it using the "cas.fulleditmode" cheat.

    Stage Three: Debut

    In this stage, you will be doing a lot of performing, filming, and building your fanbase. After you pass this stage you will officially become a k-pop star!

    Stage Four: K-Pop Star

    In this stage, you will be doing a lot of commercials, dramas, performances, and advertising! After you pass this stage you will officially become a k-pop legend!

    Extra Information

    Doing certain tasks in public or just existing, in general, can get you into scandals you can see the reason sometimes in the moodlet. There is a way to attempt to clear the scandal by clicking your sim.
    You will get free products that you can wear. If you take pictures in them then there is a chance that you will make sales and get paid for them.
    You can use this option to create fan merch custom content or just choose things you want your fans to wear. You earn some commission from creating your own merch.

    Andrew Pose Player:
    With this mod, you can earn fame, followers, and build skills while doing it in a public space. This is a really fast way to get your fame and followers. At your house or any lot that is your home, you will only build skills from doing it. If you live in the city and go downstairs it won't count for some reason as a public place.
    Pose Player (required for animations):
    Andrew Pose Player

    Animations: giftyakuz
    AR Sims
    More Kpop Animators
    The more famous you are the bigger the crowds when you perform with the pose player!
    Weniger anzeigen

    Quelle: K-Pop Star Mod (

    Slice of Life Mod 🍓 Complete

    Requires: Base Game

    Contains script file: Yes

    Note: Please either use the base version or this complete version but do not use both. This version is for those who want ALL of the "slice of life" features.


    This is the full slice of life mod filled with every pack available at the time. My Memories - Allows sims to remember special moments and talk about them.My Social Life - Allows sims to call friends and family and even make group calls.My Personality - Allows sims to have more personality.My Appearance - Allows sims to have tears, blush, bruises, and skincare options.My Cycle - Allows sims to have menstrual cycles.My Alcohol - Allows sims to get drunk from drinking alcoholic beverages.My Beauty - Allows sims to wear makeup and perfume.My Self Woohoo - Allows sims to woohoo with themselves.My Health - Allows sims to have realistic sicknesses.My Phone - Allows sims to text, watch streams, watch movies, and have group chats.

    You can see detailed descriptions of each pack on their download page: click here

    How your folder should look after installing including the location.


    Slice of Life Mod 🍓 Complete (

    Ich habe was sehr cooles gefunden , damit könnt ihr den Open World Flair aus sims 3 in sims 4 holen .

    Diese tollen Modder haben das vollbracht was EA nicht gebacken bekommt .Dazu sage ich nur HAMMER! :juhu:


    Fasten your belts, we go to brookheights.

    Ladies and gentlemen,

    Here it is! Open World Mod.

    What is the open world mod?

    The open world we all want to be in sims 4, the mod makers made it for us. This New York City inspired world is not like other worlds in the Sims 4. It’s an Open World! but what does it mean? An “Open World” is a large area in a video-game that doesn’t require loading screens, you can move

    around this playable area freely. maxresdefault-1024x576.jpg

    How To Install

    Open the Manual Install Folder. It is divided in 4 parts

    GRAPHICS : place the content of this folder in Documents/Electronic Arts/Sims 4/ConfigOverride

    MODS AND CC : place the entire folder « BROOKHEIGHTS FULLBUILD » in :

    Documents/Electronic Arts/Sims 4/Mods

    SAVE FILE : place the save file inside of this folder in : Documents/Electronic Arts/Sims 4/Saves GAME This folder is divided in two folders, place the content of each folder in these directories:

    WORLDS: place the content of this folder in :

    C/Programs(x32/x64/x86)/Origin Games/The Sims 4/Delta/EP01/Worlds/Areas You need to replace the existing files in the director

    CAMERA SYSTEM: place the content of this folder in :

    C/Programs(x32/x64/x86)/Origin Games/The Sims 4/Game/Bin/res/ You need to replace the existing files in the directory


    For the best experience, I recommend playing with the Story Mode Save File. When you enter the game, choose « Load Game ». You will find the

    Brookheights Story Mode save file that has a custom image thumbnail and is called Brookheights – Story Mode

    Story Mode

    If you want, you can play the story mode with Amos, in order to help him to find Brookheights. Load their lot in Willow Creek, and explore Amos and Amelia’s house in order to find an object that will guide you through the story. Clue : walls up to find it!

    QUELLE: Sims 4 Open World Mod Public Access - MiCat Game -Download- install

    Hier was cooles für Sims 4

    DerShayan | The Sims 4 Fanart Maps

    Die Welten in Die Sims 4 sind sehr detailliert und schön gestaltet, aber leider nicht die Karten. Wichtige Details fehlen und die Anordnung einiger Dinge macht keinen Sinn. Seit einiger Zeit arbeitet der Simmer und Künstler NoirSims aka Filipe Marcel an seinen eigenen Fanarts für die bekanntesten Welten aus The Sims 4 und seine Ergebnisse sind absolut fantastisch.

    Durch die Zusammenarbeit ist es uns gelungen, diese Karten als benutzerdefinierte Inhalte ins Spiel zu bringen, damit ihr sie nutzen könnt. Lade die Dateien herunter und beginnen Sie noch heute mit wunderschön detaillierten Karten zu spielen.

    Wenn dir unsere Arbeit gefällt, teil sie mit deinen Freunden oder markier uns auf Social Media!

    Wir wünschen dir viel Spaß! - NoirSims & DerShayan

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